On a Sunday of 2005 the local newspaper of the city of Monterrey, Mexico published what would be my first ever advertisement. I woke up early that day and ran to the closest store where I could buy a copy. After looking at the printed ad with my own eyes the first thing I did was call my grandfather.  

Professor Reynaldo Torres Gámez started working on advertising at a relatively young age. He was one of the pioneers of Radio spots in northern Mexico all the way back to the 1950’s. By the 1980’s he was already running one of the first advertising agencies in Monterrey called “Torres Publicidad”. I grew up in that agency as a kid fascinated looking at the illustrators work on their next ad, copywriters singing to their own jingles and my grandfather selling ideas to his clients. 

When I called him on that Sunday from a public phone I told him to look at the back page of the business section of the newspaper. What followed was one of the biggest satisfactions of my career, hearing my grandfather calling out each element of the ad. He read the headline out loud, gave the most eloquent description of the image and explained the ad like he had been doing for decades before me. 

Ever since that day I've committed myself to push the work for more creative ideas that will bring the right solutions to my clients. I’m now a Creative Director but I still feel like that trainee copywriter wanting to call his grandfather every time one of my ads gets published.